Monday, December 31, 2007

Feliz Ano Nuevo!! Max Walks!!!!!

Mark and I continue to be absolutely amazed by our little guy... He is so loving and sweet and is developing a cute little personality with each passing day (I know I am his mom who will be the one to think he is the cuteset and the greatest, but I just cannot help saying it!). To add, on the day that Max turned 13-months old, he decided to officially walk - yeah! I was so happy that he decided to do this while we were all together as a family (I think the walking coach has helped).

Over the holidays, we have been having such a wonderful time being together as a true family. I only wish that we will be able to come home to Chicago soon, however it looks like it will still be a couple months before that moment occurs... Anyway, we will just continue to enjoy every moment here and wish for the best in the NEAR future.

Happy New Year to All!
xxxxooooooo Jen, Mark and Max

Friday, December 28, 2007

Daddy's Back!!!

Yes, here I am, and thank God Max seems to remember me. Either that or he just likes likes idiots who throw him around a lot. It may also help that I buy him beer. No matter what, the three of us are having a great time together. Christmas treated us well, and none of us is missing the snow that is hitting Chicago.
Today we went for a stroll, after Jen cleaned that rotten blue cheese from Max's diaper, and we met two very nice mothers who are here with their children. One came here last December because she figured she would be able to bring her child home by early February (THIS YEAR!!) and she is still here. She was wonderful and strong and we pray we don't end up in the same boat. The other mother was nice enough to invite us to her apartment and we had a beautiful afternoon in their yard. It was like a big park and Max was able to roam free, something he has been unable to do at our apartment. He took his first major steps as a result, all 6 of them!! The fall to the grass did not disuade him from trying other times. He probably only hit 4 steps after that. I scolded him and he will do better next time. I have also hired him a walking coach.

I really don't have much to say, which is rare, other than I am loving my time here with my family, and not missing winter at all. Enjoy the cold and snow suckers!!!! Yeah, yeah, I'll see you soon, even though I don't want to leave.

Happy Holidays and Buenos Noches!

Mark, Jen AND MAX!! xooxxxxooooxxxoooxxxooxoxoxoxoxoxo

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Merry Guatemala Christmas!

Yesterday we celebrated Christmas here in lovely Antigua, Guatemala. For us windy city Chicago folks, it was hard for us to conceive that it was actually Christmas as we walked the streets without our coats and scarves and enjoyed some sun! We spent the morning opening gifts (basically toys for Mr. Max) and then ventured out for a Christmas buffet at the Hotel Antigua. It was a wonderful day and we have so much to be thankful for (especially now that our Slingbox is working - hee-hee). To all of our dear family & friends, we send you all the warmest holiday wishes..
xxoo Jen, Mark, & Max

Monday, December 24, 2007

Just Waiting for Daddy

Today is Christmas Eve and my parents left yesterday to go back to cold & snowy Chicago. It was terribly sad to see my parents leave as we had a wonderful time and I truly hate being here without family... Right now we are just having a little lunch while listening to the Jack Johnson Curious George album (which Max loves). Over the last couple days, we had a great time with Max's Nana & Papa. We were out and about a lot seeing sites, shopping, and going out for meals. Max had his first Happy Meal at McDonalds and also enjoyed a hot dog and fries at another meal out (gotta love the fun food every so often!). Also Max received an early Christmas gift from his grandparents which he loves - it is a wooden duck that rolls (he poses with it proudly below).

Now we wait for Mark to come today for the holidays - yeah! Below are a few photos capturing some of our fun over the past few days. Will post more when Max's Daddy comes to town! We cannot wait to see him!!!!

Merry Christmas to All!

xxoo Jen & Max

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Out and About...

Over the last couple days Max, my parents, and I have been taking in some of the sites of Antigua. On Tuesday, we went to an old ruin on the side of town known as the San Jeronimo School. It was built in 1757 and was then destroyed by earthquakes in 1773. It was a very tranquil place to walk around while my father took tons of video and photo (this is definitely his thing). Prior to heading out on Tuesday, Max decided to take his morning nap on Grandpa's lap (very cute). Then on Wednesday we were back to Hotel Antigua for a Christmas luncheon with a number of other adoptive families who are down here right now either visiting or fostering their children. It was very nice to visit with other families going through the same process and to see Max interact with some of the other children. We all have been having the best time.
xxoo Jen & Max

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

More Delays! Ugh!!

Yesterday we found out that our case was kicked out of the PGN again - UGH!!!!!! Mark and I are SOOOO bummed by this news as we were really hoping we would be moving further along in PGN (where our adoption will actually be legally finalized) and be out soon. Our paperwork was with the 2nd reviewer (there are basically two reviewers that review your file before things are finalized) and things seemed to be in good shape until it was found that one document was missing that should have been with our paperwork from the beginning... We hope that this will be an easy fix for our lawyer since they should already have it on hand, but it is EXTREMELY frustrating and maddening to us as this could delay us by several more weeks!!! At least I am here now with Max loving him up while we continue to wait through this needlessly long and trying experience.

xxoo Jen & Max

Sunday, December 16, 2007

My Nana & Papa Are Here!

Well after many months of anticipation, my parents have finally gotten to embrace their first grandchild! The initial encounters were very exciting and we have been having a wonderful time visiting ever since. Max has enjoyed a lot of playtime with his Nana & Papa as well as a variety of 'interesting' meals out where Max has enjoyed his food all over his mama! I guess having food on clothes goes with parenting (Jen get used to it!). Today, we will take in more of Antigua and hopefully provide my dad some opportunity to take photos and video of this beautiful city (and possibly include some images of his little grandbaby). Enjoy!
xxoo Jen & Max