Saturday, May 31, 2008

Funny Little Moments...

OK, sometimes you just have to share these funny little moments in life...
We hope you enjoy this VERY BRIEF video of Max playing on a toy marimba after he attended a 3 year-old's birthday party and basically took possession of one of her main presents. As Max's Mom and Dad, we just couldn't resist sharing.


xxooo Jen y "El Jefe" Max

Monday, May 26, 2008

Daddy's Day in the Sun

So, Mom had the great idea the other day to have Dad take care of all of the things he's been missing out on: changing diapers, bath time, and putting Max to sleep. Super! Dad can do everything!!...except change diapers, bathe a child, and put the child to sleep without killing him. It all started with me almost throwing up while changing the diaper, I can't wait until I am old and he has to change mine. Then from the second I placed Max in the tub things went to hell. He screamed the entire time. Do you think it's because a guy was seeing him naked? Well, then came the time to put him to bed. I put him in his crib and he decided to puke. This kid NEVER pukes. Daddy brings out the best. After cleaning up his puke, and me almost puking again, I put him back in his crib. Have you ever heard a car blow a rod? Yeah, that was the sound Max was making. But who cares right? Close the door, head downstairs and grab a cocktail.

Sure, he screamed a while, but what we couldn't figure out was why the screaming seemed to get closer. And then, why was there knocking on his bedroom door?? The little monkey climbed out of his bed! Umm, no...he can't be doing that. I put him back in the crib and went back down to my rum. At this point the crying was sounding like a distracting marimba music. No big deal. Until he was knocking at the door again!! What the @#%&!!

After a night of him then sleeping in our bed, kicking eyes out of sockets, I decided there needed to be a change. I looked around town for barbed wire to put around the crib. Unfortunately, I could not find this at the market or the Bodegona, so I had to go to plan B. Time for a big boy bed!! We dropped a twin mattress to the floor, threw a bunch of stuffed animals on it, and taught him how to jump on the bed. Last night, peace on earth. He loves the bed and the freedom. I love the fact that Jen has taken back the nighttime rituals and I'm no longer puking.

I leave tomorrow and that does not make me happy. At least we're back in PGN and we'll all be BBQing together soon in our backyard. Max likes baby back ribs and leg of lamb. On the way Max! On the way!!

Much love to all,

Mark, Jen and El Rey Max

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

WE ARE BACK IN!!!!!!!!

Ok, so we cannot believe we are actually elated about this news, but we are pleased to say that we are back in PGN!!!!!

It only took 5 months, but who's really counting...

I think we now are going to go out and celebrate with a lunch filled with disco meat! (Note: You may need to refer to our May 20th entry for further understanding of disco meat).

Love to all,

Jen, Mark y Maxito

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Look Who's Coming Out of the Closet!!

C'mon now, we didn't mean it that way. We know what you are thinking Uncle Steve. Sure he likes the Wiggles, but he just has fun opening and closing the closet doors, and hiding in there. I mean, it's a walk in. That means WALK IN. You have to come out at some point.

Anyway, Daddy's back in Guatemala and glad to be here! Mostly because I miss Gallo... I mean Max and my beautiful wife of course. Who knew how much a kid would grow in two months. While I was gone Jen took him to get his Guatemalan driver's license. He passed on the first try. He can't drive cars yet, but mopeds and motorcycles are fine here. He now runs around quite a bit, and can make a day of getting on and off of chairs. I do the same, just in bars. He really is becoming fun and funny at this age. I'm very happy that I can visit as much as I do. He's definitely wearing an old man like me out, so I only have something more to look forward to as I reach retirement... in a few years. I have to find a way to avoid the slide here. He likes to go down together, but the slide here isn't like others. It burns and is coated with red lead paint. Nothing like finishing up with a red butt for two reasons. Gotta keep him on the swings.

This morning I got up to get him his early morning juice sippy cup. Did you know the top needs to be screwed on?? It felt solid when I pushed the lid down on the cup. I was shocked when it became an orange juice bomb upon first dropping by Max. I, of course, told Jen that he has somehow figured out how to unscrew these so she should keep an eye on him.

Strange oddity of the past few days, beside me having another Fud pizza... We went to Pollo Campero for chicken dinner the other night. We ordered the family meal, but I have to say, I was intrigued by the menu item that looked to be a sub sandwich that was filled with "disco meat". Ummmmmm.... what exactly could that be? There were no details. While I wasn't daring enough to try, I'm sure my Dad would have eaten it if he had been here. I will try to find out what this actually is, but would love to hear your ideas. Perhaps Deney Terrio on a gyros spit?

Finally, we were told our file would be submitted to the PGN today. We know that unless there is confirmation, what you are told may not have happened. Let's hope. We need some progress!!!

Love to all,

Mark, Jen, and El Rey Max

Friday, May 16, 2008

Our Love for Max...

You never know the extent of what you will do for the ones you love. At least that is what Mark and I have been feeling lately as we continue to fight to complete our adoption.

Even though we won't be coming home tomorrow, over the past couple weeks we have made some real progress on our case. We have helped facilitate the transfer of our case to a new lawyer; met with the new lawyer to review our case to actually learn that it should have been approved months ago (Ugh!); had an impromptu meeting with Max's birth mother (Wow!); and hope to be back into PGN by the end of this week (Phew!). One day when Max is older we will share these adventurous tales of woe and hope he will appreciate all the details...

Mark is coming back for a visit tomorrow and will be sure to blog some regular doses of humor during his stay. For now, I am posting some long-awaited photos highlighting the past month that included a visit from Nana & Papa, a trip out to beautiful Lake Atitlan, and random photos of day-to-day life!

We miss everyone!

XXOO Jen y Maxito