Sunday, July 13, 2008

Don't Go!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Daddy's day to leave is today. I would say that no one wants this to happen. I meant to buy some Fud bacon and cook it today so that people wouldn't even realize I was leaving, but alas, I forgot. Bacon always takes the edge off a sad situation.

We had a crazy last couple of days. The highlight was our trip on Saturday to Mixco, just outside of Guatemala City, to visit Max's original foster parents. He was returning to the home where he spent his first 10 months of life. Mixco is an extremely busy town with tiny streets. A little intimidating to say the least. When we arrived at the house we were greated first by Blackie and Pinto their black and white sheep. They also had a goat/sheep mix a couple of chickens and one dog. Max seemed fascinated by them all, as did daddy. Max felt immediately home and ran around for the next several hours. We ate chicken tamales and cake for desert. Saturday is a big tamale day by the way. Max was getting love from all directions as his foster family still loves him dearly. We also had regular visits from other family members and friends who all lived in the same house or next door. We have a picture with much of the family and the two new young ones that they are fostering and loving up. It was a great experience for us to be able to go there.

Max also had a play date yesterday with some friends here in town where he preferred to be driven around in the back of a two seater bike. I don't think Max is going to be a cab driver. He definitely likes to give the directions and kick back. I also had the wonderful experience of having a McHamburguesa Beijing to celebrate the upcoming Olympics. I'm not really sure what makes this Chinese, unless lettuce there is wilted and the burgers are a little rubbery. I ended up adding BBQ sauce which livened it up.
That's all I have. I wish there was more. I'm off to the airport soon only to return soon to get these two home!! Wish I could do it today.

Love to all,
Mark, Jen and El Jefe MAX

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Daddy Returns To Winter in Guatemala

Well, Daddy's back, and in Winter. Brrrrrrrr. Well, it's not quite like a Chicago winter. It just rains EVERY friggin day at 4:00 PM. Then various other times. I guess I'll take it over 20 below. Being back is always a treat for me, of course, I am quickly reminded that I have a child in my life. Yikes. For instance, the screen on the computer I am typing on at this moment looks like the windshield of a Dodge Durango after a cross country trip. I'm pretty sure that Max has had the entire screen in his mouth.

Max was nice enough to wait up for me on the night of my arrival so that I could get a big hug and kiss. He was then nice enough to remind me why kids should not be taken out of their routines as he cried most of the night instead of sleeping and was a crab ass the next day. Of course, he was a damned cute crab ass. Daddy's little crab ass. I was hoping he might also have a Fud pizza waiting for me, but no such luck. He was able to fetch a Gallo for Papa however. Good boy Max, good boy!! For that he received presents!! He received a new teepee which he LOVES, and a Curious George police car that makes him run from the room every time it is turned on. The car is kind of like the kid on his big wheel in the shining. Sorry Max. All would have been good if security had not confiscated the spaghetti o's that I was bringing for him. Can someone tell me how cans of chef boy r dee are liquids??

It was also nice having all of the ladies in the family here for a couple of days. Momma and sis were here which gave me the wonderful opportunity to sleep in Max's room, and then on the couch because Max's room was a disaster. Besides the crying, he's got a bit of a gas problem...or is that me? It was taste of Antigua here at the same time Chicago was enjoying the taste. Please check out the picture of the wonderful meat on a hook that we all partook in.

Without being too much of a downer, here is the bad news. Our file received another previo. Previo = SUCK. Fortunately, we believe that all will be solved very soon and we will have a quick exit from the PGN in about 2 weeks. Also, a good friend we met very early on in our travels to Guatemala has died. He watched out for Jen and Max while I was gone, and took me on adventures of climbing volcanos and shooting guns while I was here. He will be greatly missed.

Love to all,

Mark, Jen, and El Rey Max
