Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Tom Cruise? Get Your Clothes On!!! We're Outta Here!!!

Uh huh, that's right, just looking cool for that embassy appointment on Monday. Perhaps I'll wear my pink shirt, or my pink culottes, or maybe even those pink Dora the Explorer pull-ups I've been admiring. I gotta look good for my pink appointment. Perhaps I'll blow a call in to Guncle Steve. He's good with pink. He can tell me what all the fellas are wearing. No matter what, I know I'll be looking good.

It's hard to believe we will actually be leaving. I mean c'mon, I was just born like 2 or so years ago. Mom was a little upset that we weren't leaving Friday as planned. Well, that was until dad booked us three nights in the executive suite at the Hotel Grand Tikal Futura. That means the Tikal's grand hotel in the future. I think we might be probed by aliens. Anyway, it's connected to a mall, something mom claims is really cool, so she is saying a few more days is no big deal. She says it's more fun than the Bodegona, but I'll be the judge of that. Sorry to any folks who don't get my obscure reference. And yes, it's my dad. Of course he found a deal on the hotel. It's what he does.

And thanks to our dear friends the Blasingames, we're gonna be going home in style on Wednesday. First class baby. "Umm, excuse me. I believe that my sippy cup has run a little low on champagne." Hopefully they'll be showing a Toy Story marathon. I'm sure if i flash them a quick smile and a little "deet" I'll be taken care of.

Anyway, I have to say I'm pretty excited to get moving on. New adventures await with snow, cold, Foxy, Rufus, stuffed pizza and a party for who else but me on the 14th at Guncle Steve's bar The Wild Pug. Everyone's invited!!!!

Getting excited! See you soon. Stay cool,

El Jefe Max, and Mom and Dad.


demp5 said...

WOOOOHOOO!! I am so excited for you guys. Safe travels, and please post pics of airport/homecoming.

Leah Maya Benjamin said...

I love the Tom Cruise picture, chest puffed out and everything, what a stud! I'm so so happy yea you are coming home!!!! I think there's also a movie theatre and boweling alley attached to that hotel. Have a fantiastic 1st class trip. Then put on your coats and hats!

Joyce Schulein said...

Dear Max !
It's Nana. . . . . .Papa and I are really excited to be getting you and your Mommy and Daddy Home with all of us. It is so exciting after nearly 15 months we will all be together. Have a great time at the Hotel, Mall and US Embassy !!! Rufus and Foxy are getting excited also, and George and Buddy, too.....Have a great trip home and be a really good boy.
Love and Kisses ~

ozzy's world said...

Aaahhhh Max, I think you should tell Dad to move over that you will handle the blog from here on! I'm not Guncle Steve but I bet the pink Dora pull-ups will get you the attention of all the girls. It's been my experience that if you wink at the flight attendents you can pretty much get what you want and being in 1st class you will be close to the cockpit to have a little pull with the pilot as well. Have fun this next few days and make sure your Diego backpack is ready for the new adventures that await you here in America. So far it has been an awesome adventure for me. They do have something here called winter and I'll tell you it's cold!

Ozzy, Lannie & Kimberly

Stacie said...

I'm so glad you guys are finally coming home! What a journey you have had!
I'm sure your anxiously awaiting to step on US soil and be home together safe and sound.
It's such a relief to see Max coming home after all the stress Faithful has caused it's family's. Good Luck to you and your family and I'll be waiting to see your Homecoming pictures!